Tibo - traductions dans les domaines juridique, financier, comptable, assurance et technique

who are we ?


Cathy Przybylski, your main contact at Tibo, has been living in the international since her childhood.  First learning French, she then acquired another Latin language quickly and naturally.  Her childish curiosity was really aroused then.  Her ears caught a third language, a Slav one this time – all so she could better understand the members of her family and talk to them.  She had no choice but to improve her knowledge of languages daily.

Very early on she understood that foreign languages are much more a tool for communicating, rather than simply a discipline to be learned at school.  This was how her passion for foreign languages developed.  But how does a passion like that turn into a profession?  In fact, it happened on a rainy day during the school holidays.  Young Cathy, just barely 13, was feeling bored…  Then an idea came to her for something to do: she could translate a book from her Bibliothèque Verte children’s classics collection into German, using her bilingual dictionary from school to do it!  Plunging for hours in a text, searching for just the right vocabulary, reworking the sentences again and again – you must be thinking:  now that’s a great pastime for a dynamic and sports-loving adolescent!

In fact it was a call to a profession she has never left.  It was firmly and definitively settled.  “Later, I'm going to be a translator," she announced to her family. While it is true that certain pupils at that age frequently change their thinking about their future career, Cathy's parents knew about their daughter's sense of determination. After researching the university work to be done, some years later Cathy had got her baccalaureate in literature and was starting studies in translation work, while continuing to experience different chances to spend time abroad.

This is the story of the person who is today Manager of Tibo Traduction, and this was her dream:  to be a translator and run her own translation agency, contributing to the development of businesses across all sectors through translation, using linguistic means to give them their international passport.